Prepare to move your exports to the Customs Declaration Service
Please see below the latest update from HMRC regarding the migration of export declarations to CDS.
"Dear Customer,
As an exporter that uses inventory linked maritime locations, we recently wrote to you about dates for moving your export declarations to the Customs Declaration Service (CDS).
We are continuing to work closely with community system providers, software developers and other border industry partners to complete final technical readiness activities.
When you can move
Export declarations for goods submitted through inventory linked maritime locations are due to be submitted through the CDS from early March 2024. At this point, all export declarants should be able to start submitting all their export declarations through the CDS.
While most export declarations can move to the CDS by Saturday 30 March 2024, we understand not all customers may be able to migrate by then. For this reason, you will have up to three months to migrate from when the CDS becomes available for your exports.
We will contact you again with further details and to confirm when you can make the move. In the meantime, unless you are contacted by HMRC or your software provider, you should not attempt to move to the CDS for exports at this time.
Helping you prepare for your move to CDS for exports
We recently published new guidance to help support your preparations for moving to the CDS. This includes:
- A declarant checklist for CDS exports – providing a step-by-step guide of the key actions you need to take to move your export declarations to the CDS once you can do so.
- CDS customs clearance instructions for exports videos – taking you through the steps required to complete an export declaration through CDS.
- Example declarations for exports from Great Britain to the rest of the world - to help you complete your CDS export declarations.
You can find further guidance and resources on the CDS guidance pages and the supporting CDS communications pack.
We also recommend that you use the free Trader Dress Rehearsal service (TDR) that already enables you to practice submitting CDS export declarations in a safe test environment. You can find out more about TDR and how to use it in our guidance.
If you currently use the National Export System web service (NESweb) to submit your export declarations through CHIEF, you will be able to use the Make an Export Declaration Online service. This allows you to submit export declarations through the CDS and replaces NESweb. We will contact you separately about joining this service.
Actions to take
If you have not already done so, follow the steps within our declarant checklist for CDS exports to make sure you have taken all the actions needed to prepare for using the CDS.
Use of Movement Reference Numbers in arrival messages
As we prepare for the CDS, we would again like to remind you that you must not provide a Movement Reference Number (MRN) to arrive your export goods at inventory linked maritime locations.
You must immediately take the actions below to ensure the movement of your goods avoid customs clearance delays and to support your move to the CDS.
- You must not use an MRN as a reference for export arrival movements. Instead, you must use a Declaration Unique Consignment Reference (DUCR) or a Master Unique Consignment Reference (MUCR) if one exists.
- You must provide a DUCR Part number where one is created. This is separate from the DUCR and if not provided, the DUCR will not be arrived successfully. Please note that Part numbers will no longer be used when migrated to the CDS.
When we’ll be in touch again
Reading our latest guidance and taking action early will make sure you’re in the best place to move across to the CDS for exports.
We will contact you again soon to advise exactly when you can move your export declarations to the CDS.
If you have any questions, including help with subscribing to the CDS, please contact us using one of these channels, or speak to your Account Manager or Customer Compliance Manager if you have one. You can also report a problem when using the CDS on GOV.UK. If your problem is considered urgent, you’ll receive a response within two hours. All other problems will be responded to within 24 hours.
We will continue to provide information and guidance to support your business for making export declarations through the CDS. To receive updates and notifications about the CDS, make sure we have your preferred email address.
Yours faithfully,
HM Revenue & Customs"
MCP plc - 19 February 2024
Posted on Monday 19th February 2024