CIP (15) 58 Simplified Declaration Procedure (SDP) Export Compliance


EU legislation allows authorised exporters, declarants and freight agents to follow legal, simplified processes to facilitate trade.  (Article 76 Council Regulation 2913/92)

The electronic processing of Pre-Shipment Advices (PSAs), using a reduced data set, and matching them with their respective, post shipment, full data set, SD has improved record keeping.

SDs provide the data required for UK statistics. Where different UCRs are used on the SD to the PSA it impacts on information passed to the Office for National Statistics.

HMRC also relies on timely and accurate electronic submissions to monitor compliance with trader’s authorisation terms and conditions.

Who should read: Exporters, declarants and freight agents authorised to use SDP procedures for exports from the UK

What is it about: Pre-shipment Advices (PSA), Supplementary Declarations (SD) and the correct use of Declaration Unique Consignment References (UCRs)

When effective: Immediately

Extant until/ Expires: 1 May 2016

Further information and a copy of the CIP is available by clicking here

Posted on Wednesday 23rd December 2015