CIP (16) 48 Customs Freight Simplified Procedures (CFSP) Additions to Controlled Goods


Certain goods are considered to be controlled goods when they are declared using the CFSP declaration procedure. These controlled goods must be declared using specific Customs Procedure Codes (CPCs). Full details of the CPCs, including when they are to be used and what information is needed to complete the declaration can be found in Volume 3 of the UK Integrated Tariff.

Who should read:  CFSP authorisation holders and their representatives.
What is it about:  New goods added to the CFSP controlled goods list to be declared using specific CFSP customs procedure codes.
When effective:  1 August 2016.
Extant until/Expires:  Ongoing.

For further information and to view the full CIP, click here.

Posted on Tuesday 2nd August 2016