CIP (16) 14 Procedures for movements to-from the UK Continental Shelf


The simplifications currently available for the movement of goods that are going to and from the UK Continental Shelf will cease on 30 April 2016.

The current simplifications include End Use, Inward Processing and Free Circulation goods.  These simplifications will cease to be available when the Union Customs Code (UCC, (EU Reg. No. 952/2013)) enters into force on 1 May 2016.

Therefore, if you are currently authorised to use these simplified procedures for movements to or from the Continental Shelf you will no longer be able to use them from 1 May 2016.

From this date you will have two options:

  1. Goods can be declared using normal export/import procedures, or;
  2. Goods can be declared using the new Simplified procedures available under the UCC such as Simplified Declaraton Procedures (SDP) or Entry in Declarant's Records (EIDR), both require a prior authorisation.

If you intend to use option 2, you will need to submit an appliation to HMRC using form C&E48.

Please note that on the C&E 48 the procedure is currently names Local Clearance Procedure (LCP).  LCP is renamed EIDR under the UCC.

Applicants will need to demonstrate that they meet the criteria appropriate to the Authorised Aconomic Operator (AEO) for Customs Simplifications also known as AEOC.  This does not mean you have to hold AEOC status, however you will have to meet AEOC criteria.

You can find out more about the AEO criteria on the GOV.UK site:


Who should read:  Operators involved in the movement of goods to/from the UK Continental Shelf using the simplified procedures.
What is it about:  Impact of changes under the Union Customs Code that affect the continuation of this simplified procedure.
When effective:  1 May 2016
Extant until/ Expires:

 For further information and to view the CIP in full, click here.

Posted on Friday 13th May 2016