Release 4.30.0 - Amalgamated UCN's

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We will be introducing a new structure for amalgamated UCNs on Destin8
within the release 4.30.0 on Tuesday 28th July. As you are aware the size
of vessels calling at UK Ports is increasing and therefore, the number of
UCNs available for each vessel will also have to be increased to
accommodate. We have considered a number of solutions, with the main
driver being minimum impact on Destin8 users and this has resulted in
the below change to amalgamated UCNs.


An amalgamated UCN is constructed of the 5 digit unique vessel
identifier (UVI) plus the 4 digit unique consignment Identifier. Together
these make up the unique consignment number (UCN).

Thus: UVI + UCI = UCN. This is the UCN which provides the means for
Destin8 and CHIEF, to exchange inventory information. e.g. 12345 0001

A current amalgamation UCN is where more than one consignment on the
vessel requires just one customs declaration, and thus the UCNs are
amalgamated on Destin8 to produce the next sequential UCN available on
that vessel (or ETSF record). This produces a 9 digit UCN. e.g. 12345 1234


Following this software release, an amalgamated UCN will now be
14 digits long, where:
The UVI remains the vessel/ETSF unique identifier
The UCI will always be 9999
The amalgamated UCN sequence for that UVI will then become the next 5 digits,
starting at 00001 e.g. 12345 9999 00001 (spaces for illustration only)

Please note that A will still be applied at the end of the 9 digit UCN to
show it is part of an amalgamation.

Should you encounter any issues or need further guidance, please contact
the helpdesk on 01394 600205 or

Posted on Friday 24th July 2020