CIP (16) 10 Impact of EU Directive 2010/65: Changes to ships' reporting requirements on current Customs ship reporting procedures


The Department for Transport (DFT) has been leading the UK’s cross-Government initiative to implement EU Directive 2010/65 (afterwards referred to as ‘the Directive’). The Directive introduces changes to the current maritime reporting process. It requires certain ships’ report information to be captured electronically and in advance. DFT has been working with the Home Office to deliver an electronic National Maritime Single Window (NMSW) to capture this data. The NMSW was launched as a ‘pilot’ project on 28 January 2016. See for further information including guidelines for use during the pilot. 

The purpose of this CIP is to advise you of the launch of the ‘pilot’ and explain the impact of the new arrangements on existing Customs ships’ reporting requirements. 

Who should read:  Shipping lines, ships agents and anyone engaged in submitting ships' inward reports and outward clearance reports

What is it about:  Introduction of new ship reporting requirements as a result of EU legislation

When effective:  From commencement of National Maritime Single Window (NMSW) pilot on 28 January 2016

Extant until/Expires:  Notice 69 is updated to reflect changes to ships' reporting procedures 

For further information and to view the full CIP click here.

Posted on Monday 29th February 2016