The rewrite of the Customs Code Council Regulation 2913/92 means there are changes to TS requirements. The new legislation, Regulation (EU) 952/2013 comes into force on 1 May 2016.
These changes were publicised in Customs Information Paper (CIP) 05/2016 and included information on the TS time limit. We have now received further information from the Commission which supersedes that information.
Who should read: All international trade economic operators and trade bodies, importers, exporters and shipping agents involved in Te,porary Storage (TS)
What is it about: Update of the 90 day storage limit conditions oreviously highlighted in CIP 05/2016
When effective: On publication
Extant until/Expires: Until further notice
For further information and to view the full CIP, click here.
Posted on Friday 22nd April 2016