Grangemouth Container Terminal - Port Infrastructure Charge 1 April 2022


Introduction of Port Infrastructure Charge from 1 April 2022

At Forth Ports we are focusing on optimising the supply chain by aggregating more cargo in port and more efficiently using our port facilities. Our focus is around building sustainable and resilient port facilities that support your sustained growth and long term capacity demands. These changes are capital intensive and require financial support (ongoing operational costs) to ensure their viability, therefore, from the 1st of April 2022 we will be introducing a new port infrastructure charge of £7.50 per container for all laden containers (excluding empties and transhipment). Please note import laden containers are charged to the nominated agent and export laden containers to the declarant and will be invoiced through the Destin8 Community Systems. Where no community system processing has been involved, Forth Ports will implement suitable arrangements to invoice the chargeable party through alternative means.

Whilst price increases are rarely welcome, failure to take steps now to address the rapidly changing market requirements would be to the detriment of the supply chain as a whole. For additional information please refer to the attached document.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to make contact to discuss further.

Forth Ports - 28 February 2022

Posted on Monday 28th February 2022